Friday, August 29, 2008

More Pictures from August 28th 2008

Grandparents Say Farewell

Last night we had dinner with Granny, Papa, Grandma & Grandpa at Cracker Barrell...Ryan's choice of course! Although Grandma was wishing they served beer...yes, I did say Grandma Donna - we all had a great time! More pictures to come...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Recruit Jefferies...Not yet a Marine

The making of a Marine begins this weekend when I take Ryan to Lubbock this weekend to report for duty..actually to report to his recruiting officer. I have learned that Ryan is not an official Marine until "they say" he is a Marine, so he is technically not reporting for actual Marine duty, just to basic training known to us all as Bootcamp. Hopefully I will get the skinny on the rest of the official Marine rules during the parents de-briefing on Sunday. More things like: We can't dare address Ryan as any sweet nicknames we like to use, i.e., Cryin' Ryan, Slick, Honey, Honey Baby Darlin' Dear, Asshole....ya know, anything like that! Supposedly, our fun little pet names would cause a few problems for our precious Recruit??? Hee Hee

So here is a run down of what we know so far:

We leave for Lubbock Sat. morning the 30th. Ryan will no doubt party it up with his Tech buddies while I enjoy a nice relaxing evening ALONE IN A screaming ringing control of the remote.....can you say HOTEL HEAVEN?!

Sunday we attend the Parents de-briefing and then I head back to Dallas while Ryan the Recruit gets ready to go to Amarillo on Monday and then flies to San Diego on Tues. Sept. 2nd.

Once he gets settled in, he will be sending me a letter letting me know his mailing address and any special rules for the types of things he can receive while in Bootcamp.

From what I understand, there are different phases of basic training, but it will be continuous, with no leave until it is over on November 21st. I will fly out to San Diego Wed. the 19th for a dinner...I mean "de-briefing" with the Drill Sgt. (Gotta practice my official lingo) Thurs. the 20th will be visitors day. Not sure quite what all that means but a day in San Diego can't be bad no matter what we do! Then the big graduation...when the Recruit finally become a Marine - a Private First Class to be exact! I will attend the ceremony and then me and my Marine will be on our way back home!

Ryan will be here for 10 days which means he will be here for Thanksgiving!

At the end of his leave, I THINK he will go to North Carolina? He may have to go back to San Diego first and then to North Carolina??? I am sure I will know for sure after Sunday.

I promise to post everything I learn this weekend and hopefully some pictures. Ryan will not be able to post anything to this blog while in bootcamp but once he enters active duty he can write to us and send brush up on your bloggin' skills and let's all support my "honey darlin baby punkin' Marine!"